John Henderson

Glass Artist


John Henderson


As a American artist, my aesthetics are an exploration into my cultural and spiritual identity, and recognition of my African ancestry. I use several different materials, found objects and glass as my primary palette. In my use of a mixture of several different materials, colors, forms, images and textures, my work represents the mixture within us all as a people. This mixture embodies who we are in the Diaspora. My art attempts to remind the viewer, that inevitably we all must reclaim and reconcile our past, with the present, in order to move forward. Whatever we have lost, forgotten, forgone or been stripped of, can be reclaimed, revived, preserved and perpetuated.


I began my artistic journey studying stain glass techniques with Jimmy Powers at the Washington Sculpture Center in Washington, DC in 2004 and at the Diablo Glass and Metal School in Boston with Justyn Zolli. While a student at the Washington Sculpture Center, I was introduced to kiln glass techniques by the artist Tim Tate, glass casting by the artist Michael Janis, and recycle glass techniques by the artist Erwin Trimmer. I continued perfecting my glass techniques in workshops at Washington Glass School, Bullseye Glass Company in Portland, Oregon and UrbanGlass in Brooklyn, NY, resulting in an Artist-In-Residence at the Kari Minnick Glass Studio in Silver Spring, Maryland. I am currently an Artist-In-Residence at the Washington Glass School in Mt. Rainer, Maryland.

Selected Exhibitions:

2017 - Maryland Art Place, Baltimore MD: Out of Order
2016 – Washington, DC: HUD Art Show
2016 – Maryland Art Place, Baltimore MD: Out of Order
2015 – Center Stage, Baltimore MD: Benefit Show
2014 – Glenview Mansion Art Gallery, MD: "The Secret Life of Glass"
2013 – Parish Gallery Georgetown, Washington DC: “Through the Years”
2013-2012-2011 – Center Stage, MD: Benefit Show
2012 – Arts Afire Gallery, VA: “Celebrations In Light”
2011 – Glennview Mansion, Maryland: “Generations in Glass”
2010 – Center Stage, MD: Benefit Show
2009 – Gallery Spectra, MD: “Art in the Hands of Men”
2009 – Robert Lehman Gallery, NY: Group Show
2009 – Therese A. Maloney Art Gallery, College of Saint Elizabeth, NJ: “Responding to Cuba”
2008 – Robert Lehman Gallery, UrbanGlass, NY: Group Show
2008 – Parish Gallery Georgetown, Washington, DC: Black Fine Art Show, NY
2007 – Parish Gallery Georgetown, Washington DC: “Reclaiming African Iconography”.