Marva Street

Creative Director


Marva Street


I am pleased to join the Obsidian Contemporary Art and Design (OCAD) team as Creative Director for its virtual online Gallery. As Creative Director, my role is to collaboratively develop and implement OCAD’s artistic strategic plan, work closely with participating artists to prepare the creative concept and written narratives for exhibitions; and, organize the on-line presentation for all Gallery exhibitions. I look forward to facilitating the teamwork necessary for OCAD and participating talented artists to develop an expansive on-line art program offering different types of art; and, different types of mediums; and, to bring that art closer to fine art collectors for any time.

I bring to this endeavor many years of being an art enthusiast and collector as well as experience successfully organizing exhibits and promoting and mentoring artists. I expanded my knowledge in Art History at North Carolina University where I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree. One of my most memorable and informative experiences was my attendance at the Harvard University SummerGraduate School Program in Architecture in 1999. I bring to the OCAD many years of leadership, strategic planning, creative concept development, and project management gained from many years of Federal service.

I recognize that a lot has changed to increase the visibility of artist of color. However, the dominance of an art community and marketing industry whose perspectives decide the answers to two questions: “what is art” and “what art is worthy of collecting” still exists; and, spaces to showcase these works remain limited. Now, there is substantial interest of artists and collectors to answer those questions for themselves by gaining access to new perspectives, new narratives, and new viewpoints on new platforms. I am honored to be a part of OCAD’s virtual online Gallery to present a showcase of artist and their artwork that will reflect the narratives, perspectives, and viewpoints of people of color about the world around them.