Vicki Minor

Photographer/Encaustic Artist

Vicki Minor


I graduated from Winthrop University in 1983 with a Bachelor of Visual Arts Degree and have a 20 plus year career in graphic design, branding and marketing. However, photography has always been my first love. I first fell in love with photography when I received a camera from my parents for my birthday. And I have been taking photographs since and continue to love the art of photography. Recently, I discovered Encaustic Photography, which is the process of painting hot beeswax over a photographic image that is adhered to a wooden panel. The wax can be pigmented with color or remain transparent. Various methods and techniques can be utilized to enhance the waxed photograph with textures and colors. The process creates a beautiful image that has a layered, textured waxed surface that can be buffed to give it a gloss effect. 


I am a meticulous artist who has developed her craft over the last 30 years. My fine art is created from a spiritual place of light and love. I use a lot of symbolism in my art. I believe in the beauty of life and the natural flow of it. I want the viewer to experience the positivity and light that is demonstrated in my work. The “Zen I’m In” is my series about the search for balance in my life. I am on a path of light and love. You have to balance the good with the bad, the positive with the negative. But if you just let it flow . . . life, it all works out in the end.

I take pride in creating art that Speaks to Your Soul.